Les Itinérantes (France)

Acoustic ensembles
1. Les Itinérantes (France), Grand Prix
2. HØST (Denmark/Sweden)
Amplified ensembles
1. Flok (Finland)
Both categories
Audience favourite: Flok (Finland)

Les Itinérantes vocal group performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.

Les Itinérantes

Maarit Kytöharju


AORA (Sweden)

1. AORA (Sweden), Grand Prix
2. Åkervinda (Sweden)
3. Total Vocal (Israel)
4. A Capella Boğaziçi (Turkey), Les Itinérantes (France)
Audience favourite: Vox Populi Project (Mexico)

Members of AORA vocal group.


Josefin Stacy


SØNK (Denmark)

Acoustic ensembles:
1. Ensemble Nobiles (Germany)
2. Aba Taano (Uganda)
Amplified ensembles:
1. SØNK (Denmark), Grand Prix
2. Of Cabbages and Kings (Germany)
3. Kuvaja (Finland)

SØNK vocal group performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.



Quintense (Germany)

Acoustic ensembles:
1. Ilo Ensemble (Finland)
2. Latvian Voices (Latvia)
3. KOR (Italy)
3. Sine Nomine (Colombia)
Amplified ensembles:
1. Quintense (Germany) – Grand Prix
2. SKETY (Czech Republic)

Quintense vocal group performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.


Maarit Kytöharju


ONAIR (Germany)

Acoustic ensembles:
1. Sjaella (Germany)
2. Sekunti (Finland)
3. proMODERN (Poland)
Amplified ensembles:
1. ONAIR (Germany) – Grand Prix
2. Voco Novo (Taiwan)
2. Estonian Voices (Estonia)
3. The Quintessence (Georgia)

ONAIR performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.


Maarit Kytöharju


Ommm (France)

1. Ommm (France) – Grand Prix
2. JazzIn Sisters (Estonia)
3. Vocal Motion Six (Namibia)
3. Taiga (Finland)

Ommm performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.


Maarit Kytöharju


Postyr Project (Denmark)

1. Postyr Project (Denmark) – Grand Prix
2. Sonic Suite (Germany)
3. Cappella’A (Lithuania)
3. Egregor vocal (France)

Postyr Project performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival

Postyr Project

Maarit Kytöharju


Klangbezirk (Germany)

1. Klangbezirk (Germany) – Grand Prix
2. Voz en Punto (Mexico)
3. Novy Vek (Russia)
4. Shiva Knows (The Netherlands)

Klangbezirk performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival


Maarit Kytöharju


Vocaldente (Germany)

1. Vocaldente (Germany) – Grand Prix
2. Juice (United Kingdom)
3. Sound Affaire (Germany)
3. Vocado (Sweden)

Vocaldente performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.


Maarit Kytöharju


Calmus Ensemble (Germany)

1. Calmus Ensemble (Germany) – Grand Prix
1. Pust (Norway)
1. Viisi (Finland)
Special prize for the programme: Trio Romance (Russia)
Special prize for originality and innovation: Vokalquartett Niniwe (Germany)

Calmus Ensemble holding a Näsinneula statue and red roses.

Calmus Ensemble

Maarit Kytöharju


JimJamMurMur (Finland)

1. JimJamMurMur (Finland) – Grand Prix
2. Riltons vänner (Sweden)
3. Lyubava (Russia)
3. Puellae Pauperes (Finland)

JimJamMurMur vocal group celebrating their victory at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.


Maarit Kytöharju


Bara Vox (Sweden)

1. Bara Vox (Sweden) – Grand Prix
1. Club 45 (Finland)
Best acoustic ensemble: Canticulum (Finland)
Special prize for the programme: Fiori (Finland)

Bara Vox vocal group performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.

Bara Vox

Maarit Kytöharju


Lauluyhtye Rajaton (Finland)

1. Lauluyhtye Rajaton (Finland) – Grand Prix
2. Trio Mediaeval (Norway)
3. Tsakku (Finland)
3. Ensemble amarcord (Germany)

Rajaton Vocal Group performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.

Lauluyhtye Rajaton

Maarit Kytöharju


Grupo Vocal Olisipo (Portugal)

Grupo Vocal Olisipo (Portugal) – Grand Prix
Akateeminen Kvartti (Finland)
Anima (Russia)

Grupo Vocal Olisipo performing at Tampere Vocal Music Festival.

Grupo Vocal Olisipo

Maarit Kytöharju


Singer Pur (Germany)

1. Singer Pur (Germany) – Grand Prix
2. Lauluyhtye Apropå (Finland)
3. Nieiddat (Finland)
3. Pentatones (Finland)
3. So What (Finland)

Singer Pur vocal group holding a Näsinneula statue.

Singer Pur

Maarit Kytöharju


Talla (Finland)

Serious music:
1. Talla (Finland) – Grand Prix
2. Putni (Latvia)
3. Carpe Diem (Finland)
Special prize: Unca-kvartetti (Finland)

Light music:
1. A la carte (Sweden)
2. Sindi (Latvia)
3. Voz en Punto (Mexico)
Special prizes: The Four Jacks (Finland), Kuninglik Kvintet (Estonia), MESS (Finland), Jazztrio Scat (Finland)



Neljä veljestä (Finland)

Serious music:
1. Tallinnan madrigaalien laulajat (Estonia)
2. Mieskvartetti Mieskvartetti (Finland)
3. Kvartettilaulajat (Finland)
Special Prize: Nightingales (Suomi)

Light music:
1. Neljä Veljestä (Finland) – Grand Prix
2. Arietta (Finland)
2. Voz En Punto (Mexico)
4. Regös Vocal (Hungary)

Tallinnan madrigaalien laulajat vocal group smiling at the camera.

Tallinnan madrigaalien laulajat

Maire Eliste


Sotto Voce (Finland)

Sotto Voce (Finland) – Grand Prix

Sotto Voce vocal group smiling at the camera.

Sotto Voce