
Tampere Music Festivals is part of the City Culture Unit of the City of Tampere. Our operating procedures are rooted in the Tampere Strategy 2030, which focuses on equal individuals, active communities, carbon-neutral action and being a pioneer of the future. This page is a summary of what we are doing to put this responsibility agenda into practice.

This is how responsibility is reflected in our operations.
Social and economic responsibility
- We are committed to actively and visibly promoting gender equality and non-discrimination, and we have guidelines in place for reporting and intervening in inappropriate conduct.
- We apply ‘safe event’ principles at our events and communicate these actively to our customers.
- We provide clear information about the accessibility of our events.
- Some of our events are always free of charge, and for most of our events tickets may be obtained using the Kaikukortti card (for further information, see below).
- We observe health and safety guidelines at our events. We monitor and comply with all current recommendations and communicate these actively to our customers. Ear plugs are available at events that may present a noise level risk for the audience.
- We offer job training positions for students, including those with limited command of Finnish and other minorities.
- We hire long-term unemployed people for fixed-term positions and offer work try-outs.
- We participate in sustainable development projects in the music sector.

Enviromental responsibility
- We encourage visitors to use environmentally friendly transport options by publishing information about public transport connections and cycling access.
- We prefer plant-based food. We buy food locally and prefer domestic products.
- Our contracted restaurants always offer at least one savoury and one sweet vegan option.
- We minimise raw material or food waste from our operations. If waste does occur, it is donated or recycled appropriately.
- We avoid using disposable tableware. In situations where it is the only practical option, we use biodegradeable disposable tableware.
- Some of the materials produced for the festival are reusable or recycled.
We are involved in networks that promote responsibility.