
The Power of Song

Advance Event

At the advance event of the festival, we will explore the rehabilitative power of music, enjoy choral music and sing together.

Music is for everyone -seminar

How and why is music a rehabilitative force? What is the impact of singing together on brain health? How can music contribute to a good life for the elderly and for memory disorder patients? What action should we take to ensure that culture, particularly music, can remain a part of the lives of all people, regardless of how old they are and where they live? How can I use music when interacting with memory disorder patients?

These issues are addressed at the seminar Musiikki kuuluu kaikille [Music is for everyone], forming part of the project Minun ääneni [My voice] (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations 2021–2023). The speakers are: Teppo Särkämö, Assistant Professor in Neuropsychology; musicologist Annika Tammela; and Jari Pirhonen, Docent in Social Gerontology. The programme consists of workshops in the morning and a panel discussion in the afternoon on the topic of how to bring more music to the daily lives of memory disorder patients? Cultural wellbeing operators in the Tampere region present their operations. A practical manual containing musical tasks designed to rehabilitate memory skills, produced in the project, will be published at the seminar. The manual also contains a compilation of practical experiences of using music in working with memory disorder patients, plus information about memory disorders and the wellbeing potential of music.

Admission to the seminar is free. Coffee is served in the morning and in the afternoon. Lunch is available at your own cost. The seminar will be streamed live and recorded for later access. Read more and sign up: www.minunaaneni.fi.

Minun ääneni [My voice] is a project that organises rehabilitative music groups for memory disorder patients and their family members and also welcomes anyone interested in memory rehabilitation. Its purpose is to encourage professionals and volunteers alike to become involved in music-based rehabilitation and distributes information.

Minun ääneni is a project of Arvokas vanhuus ARVA ry. The seminar is held in Finnish.

Community singing

Singing familiar songs together is good for the brain. Joint production with Metso Library music and periodical department, Minun ääneni project. Language: Finnish

Choral rounds

Choirs from the Tampere Region perform at cafés and restaurants in Tampere. Joint production with the Pirkanmaa Choir Centre.

Olympia-aukio (Olympia Square), Ratina
18.30 Opening

Pella´s Cafe, Hämeenkatu 14 C
19.10 Lauluryhmä Kolmas Painos
19.30 Lauluyhtye Dominutz
19.45 Duuris

Kesäravintola Laituri, Suvantokatu 1
19.05 Ihanaiset
19.45 Naiskuoro Miskantti
20.15 Sauriat
20.45 Teekkarikuoro
21.45 Kamarikuoro Näsi

Ranta-terassi, Hatanpään valtatie 1, Koskenranta
19.15 Teekkarikuoro
19.45 Ihanaiset
20.15 Händel-kuoro
20.45 Sommelo
21.15 Kamarikuoro Näsi

Klubimies-terassi (Tillikka), Hämeenkatu 14
19.15 Händel-kuoro
19.45 Sommelo
20.15 Lauluyhtye Dominutz
20.45 Naiskuoro Miskantti
21.30 Teekkarikuoro

Cafe & Bar Raina, Kehräsaari B
19.20 Sauriat
19.50 Kiilto Ensemble
20.30 Duuris
21.00 Händel-kuoro
21.30 Sommelo

Café Katto, Satakunnankatu 18A, 5th floor
19.15 Kamarikuoro Näsi
19.40 Lauluryhmä Kolmas Painos


Seminar: Music is for everyone
09.00–16.00, Culture House Laikku
Language: Finnish

Community singing
18.00, Metso Library music and periodical department

Choral rounds
18.30, Ratina Olympia square (opening and community singing)
19–22, several venues

Speakers & Performers

Teppo Särkämö, Professor in Neuropsychology
Annika Tammela, musicologist
Jari Pirhonen, Docent in Social Gerontology

Choirs from Tampere Region


PHOTO: Marianne Ylitie